It has been awhile since my last post to this blog but now that I am back and going strong with some new, free and excellent ideas on promoting your website and business for free. A few thing you may have noticed but never really gave thought to in the past are when you are searching for images via
Google's images. When you hover your mouse over an image after searching and below the image are descriptions, such as what the image is and sometimes if the person is smart, they will also in that image description enter their site URL.
Some time ago, on this blog, I mentioned about my own Google personal website,
Internet Cash Information. Although this site has been inactive for some time now and nobody ever visits anymore it still has a very good use to it. At the end of the URL when the word images is entered a list of images that has been uploaded to the site shows up. So for example my site is to access the image location. Next when an image is upload below the upload window is a place where you can enter a description. This is another awesome free way of advertising your business and website.
Lastly, as most of you know, Google has done away their Buzz and it is now
Google+, their new social network like FaceBook. When you are searching in Google search, as you may have noticed, there is now a 1+ option that you can click to share the site. You can also add this 1+ button to your site just like the popular twitter retweet and Facebook like buttons, see mine below. The google+ is one of the hundreds of free ways of leaving your blogprint in the search engines.
After doing a bit of a search in Google's search engines for website submission sites my Google Blog Sites to the search engines.
Searchenginez is a free site that will submit to Google, AOL, MSN and Yahoo for free. If you Google the keywords "free website submission", there are sites that will lists hundreds of free sites but
Searchenginez is the one needed for the most important search engines. Searchenginez also has a couple of nifty free tools for search engines , such as, spider simulator to see which sites are crawling your URL.
Searchenginez does not list, but you can also submit to
Ask's search engine for free.
On the left panel of this Blog, there are social network buttons, linkedln and twitter follow @bethnesbitt and below are custom share buttons. You can add your own Linkedln by opening an account, if you already haven't done so, on Linedln and installing the Linkedln badge on your own site. A google search for the right twitter follow button to suite your own site preferences will, of course, will give you plenty choices.