We know about the like buttons and share buttons you see on blog posts, you can read this post, "Going all the way, how to make the perfect social networking buttons for your blogs". This post offers the script and how to add it to your blogger HTML. That seemed to help me receive visitors, a little bit more but not much. Now I went up to about 15-20 per day, this was not going to cut it so I decided to add a login button to my blog, success now I am up to 25-30 a day, yet....I needed more.
That is when I decided to create my blog pages on facebook, here is my list of pages:
Ideas about starting a home based business from blogs - On FaceBook
Farmville Tips & Tricks
Elizabeth's Opinionated News Topics
Elizabeth's Blogger Wikis
You can create Websites, applications and fan pages for your blogs/websites. There is even more to facebook that many do not know about, getting into network blogs. Not just simply posting the network blogs badge on your site and hoping that somebody clicks on it to follow but really interacting with it. Networked blogs has a discussion board and if you want to watch your visitor count go up just by interacting back and forth than click here to interact on Network blog's discussion board.
You can post your blog on it and you may get a few hits but if you visit other blogs, leave comments, follow blogs that you haven't followed and do this daily your hits will go up.
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