Friday, March 16, 2012

Create a free digital business card - receive more hits to your blog

Because this blog is all about how to earn more visitors to your site without paying anything, I am going to tell you another way of doing this by creating a digital business card. Next you are going to learn how to distribute that business card and earn more hits to your website/blog at no charge. Business cards are great incentive for advertising your business, yet, can be quite expensive when printing and passing them out.  Next the business card will usually be reused for having a telephone number written on the back of it and next, shoved deep into somebodies wallet.

Now imagine being able to create a digital business card, at no charge, that could be posted on your website, distributed throughout the social networks and emailed to prospective customers. This actually can be achieved simply by creating your own business card in a document processing program, like mine below, exporting it into Google Docs and from there Google docs allows you to distribute it in many different ways, including pasting it onto your website in an IFrame. Once you import the business card into google docs, in the top right corner is a share button.  Click on that and you will see that there is the option to share your business card document in, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.  The best way to upload your business card is in a PDF format, this way it is protected from being edited and most websites support the PDF format.

You can create your own Digital Business Card in a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word or Openoffice. OpenOffice is a 100% free and safe Office program that supports, spreadsheets, word processing and PowerPoint.

Starting as low as $25.00 you can purchase your own Digital Business Card, just visit me @ Elizabeth's Digital Business Cards for more information.


  1. Hi. I have a quick question. You say this at the end of the post: "Because my site only supports free information, the instructions will be given using OpenOffice." But I don't see any instructions?

    1. Sorry, I haven't gotten around to doing that. It is so very detailed oriented and will take me awhile to write.
